Pulsar 2849 Board Game First Impressions

Pulsar 2849 is a dice drafting, a circular board and a LOT of table space.

There is a lot to do, but is it worth doing?

It is the year 2849, one millennium after the Gold Rush, and the mining of raw materials has reached a whole new level.

Humankind has successfully tested the first Stellar Mirror and harnessed enough power from a Pulsar to open the first space gate.

A New Era has just begun…

This is an overview of the game along with my positives and negatives.

Pulsar 2849 Update August 2018

So this video got me in a LOT of trouble.

First up, not liking the rulebook got me in trouble on BGG. Now, I DID say in the video ‘it’s probably just me’. Looking for feedback on the game, it was. I really struggled with it but no one else did.

Secondly, I mentioned in the video the people I played with were not behaving themselves. Now, this affected my mood. Despite laughing and joking with them at the time and for the rest of the day, deep down I was thinking “I’m going through a bad time right now, I just want to play games with my friends”.

So there were not happy about that then one of them attacked me publicly on social media a month later despite not saying anything to anyone.

So yeah, whatever. They are an ex-game group 🙂

Back to things that actually matter. I liked the game, I really did. But I sold it after 2 plays. For some reason when I think about the game I didn’t feel so positive. But when I could SEE the game I would feel more positive and want to play it.

Weird, I know. So what I did was list it for sale without looking at it. I don’t miss it.

To be honest, I prefer another dice drafting game, Grand Austria Hotel. More recently, Santa Maria has taken a spot too. I’m not a fan of games set in outer space. It just doesn’t have ‘the thing’ that a game needs to stand out.

Jesta ThaRogue

Pulsar 2849 - First Impressions

Pulsar 2849 review

Jesta ThaRogue:
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